Last year I had a chance to visit Lanzarote and La Graciosa which are part of Canary Islands off the coast of Africa.
The landscapes there were absolutely breathtaking and versatile -as you can see on the photos.
Upon my return to London I started to experiment with different stoneware clays, while still having the images of this volcanic island in my mind. As a result a body of work emerged in which I am exploring the landscapes and contrasts between rocks and water.
The vessels in this collection are made using the pinching technique, which is probably the oldest way to make ceramics. I stretched the clay to create rock-like textures, whereas for the water effect I relied on glazing. The pieces are single fired, which means that I apply glazes straight on raw clay. This is technically challenging but as less energy is required to fire them, it is better for the environment.

The Lanzarote collection became one of my ongoing projects. The making process is very intimate and pure in its simplicity - my hands shape the clay and leave marks in it, making each piece completely unique.
Working on the Lanzarote vessels helps me calm and centre myself, while creating objects which bring tranquility and sense of connection to nature.